###Exit Interview
*by <a href="mailto:emilio@neurostyle.net">Emilio González</a>*
The Chief's office is well-worn, cozy, and probably modest by the standards of the city's leaders. It's only a bit bigger than the bookshelves, desk, and few chairs that furnish it, but two tall and unexpectedly clean windows offer ample light to open it up. The bookshelves are loaded with all manner of book, box, overstuffed file, and one running computer that barely fits on the edge of a shelf. His desk is tidy, however, with a stack of folders to one side.
The Chief is a fit Chinese man in his 50's that appears dedicated and dutiful, though not cold. You've only met him once, shaking hands at the class welcome like all other cadets, and have seen him speak a couple times. His voice is slightly accented and almost monotonous, with a gentle resolve that inspires confidence. He usually holds meetings in an adjacent conference room, but he has chosen to interview graduating cadets in his office.
He rises when you enter, nodding once and extending his hand.
"Congratulations, cadet, as this is the last day I can call you that."
[[Salute and stand at attention.]]
[["Thank you, sir." Shake his hand and sit down.]]
[[Say nothing and sit down.]]
He politely smiles.
"Sit down, cadet. The chain of command is to be respected, but we only need to polish the brass when the City Council is around."
[["Yes, sir, thank you." Shake his hand and sit down.->"Thank you, sir." Shake his hand and sit down.]]
(unless: $interviewChiefSitting is 1)[The Chief sits and sizes you up for a moment. ]\
He begins a speech he's clearly given before, but still regards with importance.
"I will speak in gaudier terms at the commencement, but it bears repeating: everyone who makes it through the academy is one of the most skilled this city has to offer. However, while we can ensure a cadet's skill it's tougher to ensure they will always act in the best interests of the city and its people - that they will do the right thing."
He motions to the stack of folders. "I could sift through the tests, screenings, and reviews that got you here, but that would be superfluous as I believe they were conducted fairly. In the end, I prefer to meet every cadet personally and candidly."
(link: '"I just want to get to work, sir."')[(set: $responseType to 'dutiful')(goto: "Welcome-Response")]
(link: '"It is an honor to meet someone of your stature."')[(set: $responseType to 'scheme')(goto: "Welcome-Response")]
(link: '"All this feels like a waste of time."')[(set: $responseType to 'disapprove')(goto: "Welcome-Response")]
(link: 'Say nothing.')[(set: $responseType to 'silent')(goto: "Welcome-Response")]
The Chief quickly withdraws his hand and sits down, looking slightly displeased.
"You're going to need to at least feign friendliness to effectively interface with the population - including the City Council."
[[Say nothing.->"Thank you, sir." Shake his hand and sit down.]]
[["Sorry, sir, I'm a bit nervous."->"Thank you, sir." Shake his hand and sit down.]]
[["It's been a long day."->"Thank you, sir." Shake his hand and sit down.]]
(set: $interviewChiefSitting to 1)
(if: $responseType is 'dutiful')[He nods slightly.
"That is encouraging, cadet. Keep your eagerness in check, though, as the moment an officer stops learning is the moment they fall behind."]\
(else-if: $responseType is 'disapprove')[He responds quickly and firmly.
"These seeming formalities are for your benefit as much as that of myself and the department. New officers still have to justify the trust placed in them, just as we all must work to justify the city's trust."]\
(else-if: $responseType is 'scheme')[He does not look flattered.
"Counclliors and industry leaders may enjoy such ego exercise, but we have more important things to do in this department."]\
(else-if: $responseType is 'silent')[He hesitates just barely to allow room for a response, then continues.]
"I understand you are one of our most promising cadets, cadet..." He glances at the top folder on his desk. "Yes, right, you're cadet number thirteen - that's a lucky number for the elders. What was your specialization?"
(link: '"It was investigations and forensics." (Investigations)')[(set: $spec to 'inv')(goto: "Spec-Response")]
(link: '"Kicking ass and taking names, sir." (SWAT)')[(set: $spec to 'swat')(goto: "Spec-Response")]
(link: '"Quartermastery - I like gear." (Quartermaster)')[(set: $spec to 'qm')(goto: "Spec-Response")]
(link: '"Jurisprudence and arbitration." (Law)')[(set: $spec to 'law')(goto: "Spec-Response")]
(if: $spec is 'inv')["Excellent, collecting facts is the keystone of our legal system. Our hawk-eyed investigators have been a pride of the department for years."]\
(if: $spec is 'swat')[He looks amused. "Is that Captain Ayala I hear? Despite his enthusiasm, let me give you some advice: the work for the SWAT spec is certainly more trying than others, but it still takes judicial acumen and a spotless record to make it to full-time HERT."]\
(if: $spec is 'qm')["Quartermastery is the backbone of this department, and thus of the entire city's security. You can quote me on that if anyone says otherwise."]\
(if: $spec is 'law')[He looks genuinely pleased. "That is good to hear, I know few cadets choose law. You must like reading - I did. Not many people know that I was law spec, but my experience turned out more varied than the usual judicial career path."]
The Chief leans back, becoming slightly more at ease.
"Tell me, cadet, what was life like before the academy?"
(link: '"I was raised on the streets around here. It got pretty rough."')[(set: $background to 'streets')(goto: "Bgnd-Response")]
(link: '"I drifted around, then I ended up here and called it home."')[(set: $background to 'wasteland')(goto: "Bgnd-Response")]
(link: '"I grew up here with my family, life wasn\'t too bad."')[(set: $background to 'family')(goto: "Bgnd-Response")]
(link: '"My family is very well-off."')[(set: $background to 'privilege')(goto: "Bgnd-Response")]
[["It doesn't matter."->Bgnd-NoResponse]]
He leans forward a bit.
"Cadet, everyone's background is important. A cornerstone of our training is that officers draw upon their experience to be more effective in the community. I hope that was not lost on you.
"It will be disappointing if you don't wish to discuss it." He motions to the stack of folders again. "I'm sure our admission investigators have done their job, but I would prefer to hear it firsthand."
(link: '"I was raised on the streets around here. It got pretty rough."')[(set: $background to 'streets')(goto: "Bgnd-Response")]
(link: '"I drifted around, then I ended up here and called it home."')[(set: $background to 'wasteland')(goto: "Bgnd-Response")]
(link: '"I grew up with my family, life wasn\'t too bad."')[(set: $background to 'family')(goto: "Bgnd-Response")]
(link: '"My family is very well-off."')[(set: $background to 'privilege')(goto: "Bgnd-Response")]
(link: '"I\'d prefer to not talk about it."')[(set: $background to 'none')(goto: "Bgnd-Response")]
(unless: $background is 'none')[He smiles gently.
(if: $background is 'streets')["I see. Coming from such a difficult background makes your graduation all the more significant, cadet - be proud of that. Your experience far outweighs any psychological training or role-playing exercise we have."]\
(if: $background is 'wasteland')["It is always inspiring to see newcomers looking to contribute to our great city. It shows that we may indeed be the model for humanity that our leaders claim."]\
(if: $background is 'family')["Excellent, a relatively stable life is what we wish to create for all. This world would be much better off if more people had positive upbringings."]\
(if: $background is 'privilege')["I'm happy to hear that. Families with significant resources usually do not get involved with public service. It's not commonly known, but my family is also quite well-off and secure. I had no personal need for the department, but as a young man I realized that justice and order must be offered to all for the world to progress."]\
(if: $background is 'none')["I see. I will have to review your records nonetheless."]
"That leads me to the most important question I have, and the one I expect the most honesty with: Why did you enter the academy?"
(link: '"I just want to help people. The better this city does, the better all of humanity will do."')[(set: $motive to 'help')(goto: "Motive-Response")]
(link: '"We must enforce order to create a better world, sir, otherwise chaos will take over."')[(set: $motive to 'order')(goto: "Motive-Response")]
(link: '"This is where I can see some action!"')[(set: $motive to 'action')(goto: "Motive-Response")]
[["I figured that joining the police department would be the best way to change this place."->Motive-Change]]
[["I just want to serve the city, sir."->Motive-NoResponse]]
"Oh? What do you want to change?"
(link: '"This city still isn\'t safe for everyone. We can do a lot more to help people."')[(set: $motive to 'change-help')(goto: "Motive-Response")]
(link: '"I don\'t think the department fairly represents everyone."')[(set: $motive to 'change-rep')(goto: "Motive-Response")]
(link: '"We\'re too soft. Too many criminals go unpunished."')[(set: $motive to 'change-toosoft')(goto: "Motive-Response")]
(link: '"We\'re too hard. The police must stay out of people\'s lives."')[(set: $motive to 'change-toohard')(goto: "Motive-Response")]
"Cadet, service to the city is empty without the personal drive to make it a passion. Some days will be so tough that no paycheck can compensate for it; it is on those days that we must draw from something deeper. Please, be honest."
(link: '"I just want to help people. The better this city does, the better all of humanity will do."')[(set: $motive to 'help')(goto: "Motive-Response")]
(link: '"We must enforce order to create a better world, sir, otherwise chaos will take over."')[(set: $motive to 'order')(goto: "Motive-Response")]
(link: '"This is where I can see some action!"')[(set: $motive to 'action')(goto: "Motive-Response")]
[["I figured that joining the police department would be the best way to change this place."->Motive-Change]]
(if: $motive is 'help')["That is a fine statement, cadet, and it is why this department exists. But after today it is your job to turn our lofty goals into action on the street. We aren't the first armed organization in history to promise peace, though we're probably doing a better job than most. Why should people trust us?"]\
(if: $motive is 'order')["That is a stark way to put it, but it has merit. The world is generally chaotic and dangerous outside the Republic's borders. I personally would not say 'order' is our ultimate goal, though. I would say it's stability, the stability people need to lead free lives."
"Still, these are just words. To an outsider we may just look like another gang with guns, though perhaps in nicer clothes. What makes us different from raiders? Or the armies that started the Great War?"]\
(if: $motive is 'action')["You'll have to keep that drive in check, cadet. If we are involved in violent action it is often something we could have avoided. Remember that the purpose of this deparment is not merely to keep order by force, its ultimate goal is to ensure stability for this city's residents."
"Still, the application of force, however judicious it may be, is one of our defining tools. It's also a trait of the worst armies and gangs throughout history. Why should people believe we're any different from them?"]\
(if: $motive is 'change-help')["I appreciate your eagerness. Do not overexert yourself, though. I've seen new officers feel they have to take on the world and get severely fatigued just months into their duty. We have an academy exactly to keep this department growing; follow your assignment and our resources will be put to their best use."]\
(if: $motive is 'change-rep')["Cadet, there is no representation in this department beyond the laws of this city and Republic. We seek officers from all backgrounds to enrich our knowledge and abilities, but we must all serve impartially once on duty. The Oversight Committee scrutinizes us just for such issues."]\
(if: $motive is 'change-toosoft')["I agree that many crimes are undiscovered or unsolved, and that is why we have you and twelve other cadets to bolster our ranks. But I hesitate to say we're soft. I do wish we had more latitude under the city's government, but I think our bottleneck is ultimately our resources and not our methods."]\
(if: $motive is 'change-toohard')["The police are drawn from the people, there is no 'us' and 'them'. But just as we must remember we are of the people, we must also remember to be vigilant. The duty to enforce laws is why we are here."]
(if: $motive is 'change-help' or $motive is 'change-rep' or $motive is 'change-toosoft' or $motive is 'change-toohard')[
"And assuming we can change this city, what gives us the right to? Why should we be trusted more than any other well-armed group with a promise of stability?"
(link: '"We\'re just a reflection of the people\'s will. If they don\'t approve then the City Council can change us."')[(set: $publicTrust to 'change')(goto: "Trust-Response")]
(link: '"What else can people do? They know what it\'s like outside this city - it\'s us or the raiders."')[(set: $publicTrust to 'danger')(goto: "Trust-Response")]
(link: '"It doesn\'t really matter when we have the guns and the armor."')[(set: $publicTrust to 'power')(goto: "Trust-Response")]
(link: '"People don\'t care what we do as long as they feel safe."')[(set: $publicTrust to 'safety')(goto: "Trust-Response")]
(if: $publicTrust is 'change')["That is how our government is constructed, and it has worked in practice so far. The reality is that we wield a disproportionate amount of power. That check only remains true as long as individual officers remember their loyalty lies with the city whole, not the department itself. It may not always be obvious to us, but it is to the public."]\
(if: $publicTrust is 'danger')["We are more secure than most, but that is not a mandate for unchecked power. Security facilitates life, it is not a way of life itself. If residents or industry disapprove of our role then they may simply opt to find another home in this increasingly safe Republic."]\
(if: $publicTrust is 'power')["That is a primitive outlook, and one you will have to learn to evolve. Guns can be stolen, armor can be made, influence can be bought. People cannot be controlled indefinitely; at some point they must be fully invested in their society. We are offering something to invest in."]\
(if: $publicTrust is 'safety')["It may seem that way from a position of power, and it may even be true at times. The catch is that the protective authority may not notice when it has tipped towards threatening the people's safety and freedom. The people will notice, though - they see every action we take."]
"That is what this all comes down to: the people. We can expound upon political theories and noble purposes, but it is the people and their quality of life that is our proof of success. Sometimes a few conversations, some observation, and an impartial approach can completely reorient our perspective."
He hesitates, glancing at the desk for a moment. "Over the decades, from patrol officer to chief, I've been reminded that we cannot assume we always do good things just because we're the good guys. The public's current level of trust wasn't won without some missteps."
(link: "What happened?")[(set: $askedProbe to 1)(goto: "Conclusion")]
[["Yes, sir."->Conclusion]]
[[Say nothing.->Conclusion]]
By Emilio Gonzalez
(if: $askedProbe is 1)["Some of those were covered as case studies in the academy. Others are perhaps for another time."
The Chief presses his palms together in a few moments of distant thought, then shifts in his chair.
"I could discuss jurisprudence and enforcement for a lifetime, but we both have a city to serve, Cadet Thirteen." He abruptly smiles, perhaps a little more than you've ever seen. "You may find it hard to shake that nickname among some of our older citizens, but it will always be used in respect."
He sits up and returns to his well-practiced speech.
"The commencement is the time for loftier topics, so let me give you advice as one officer to another: stay attentive, remain objective, never stop learning. Many problems can be defused or avoided in ways not covered in traning; keep your eyes and ears open for new solutions."
"Lastly, always remember we are of the people, not over them."
He stands and extends his hand.
"Welcome to the San Francisco Police Department."
*<a href="mailto:emilio@neurostyle.net">Contact Emilio</a>*